Parth DahimaApr 5, 2021The Need for a Third-Way: Issues Surrounding Medicare-for-AllRunner-Up of The Politica's Research Essay Prize 2021 Alex Wong/Getty Images INTRODUCTION Contemporary progressivism in the United States...
Yashica Kataria Apr 5, 2021The Disappearance of Hindu Symbols of Marriage: What Does it Mean for Hindu Culture?Winner of The Politica's Research Essay Prize 2021 Symbols of Hindu marriage have been around for centuries and the meanings behind them...
Charlie KieltMar 28, 2021r/WallStreetBets and the Illusion of RebellionOn the morning of January 28th, 2021, retail investing giant Robinhood and similar brokers halted trade of certain stocks and their...
Ferren WinartoMar 2, 2021The League of Nations: Destined for FailureAs the progenitor of the modern-day United Nations, the League of Nations was the first intergovernmental organisation which was...
Catherine Wasson and Maxwell JamesJan 24, 2021Term Limits: A Solution to Congressional Gridlock, Lobbyists, and Voter Indifference to Elections?In the United States, the average age of a legislator in Congress is fifty-nine. [1] This is problematic, as young people are impacted by...